Well I am suitably knackerd today after a mind blowing day ski touring with Kirk and Tom in the Northern Cairngorms finishing up by a bouldering session in the Extreme Dream.
Today a few words spoken this autumn sprang to mind. I remember Andy Nisbet saying in November that this year would be the best winter in 7 years and I think he could't have been more accurate! Todays tour to Ben MacDui gave us stunning views to the Shelterstone and the Coires of Braeriach, Angel's Peak, Cairntoul and Devil's Peak. It is absolutely plastered in those Coires! There are big cornices off Braeriach, the Northern Coire and slopes of Cairntoul look like some big American bowl. Carn Etachan, Shelterstone and Hell's Lumlook in good nick. Scorpion, Sticil Face, the Needle, Chancer they all start to look sweet... It is all just so exciting. The Ben is apparently coming in very good condition and I can't wait to get overthere on Sunday. A couple of nights in the CIC and some good days climbing ly ahead and with a forecast of more Northerlies and snow we can expect conditions only to get better!!
The snow is in good condition for touring. Quite wind rippled but a nice solid surface. Not to much to be caught out in. Watch the leeward slopes for slab and watch out for some big cornices. There was avalanche debris in the Loch Avon Basin coming down from the Feith Buidhe and Garbh Uisge Beag that looked fresh.
Perfect conditions for a day out and hardly anyone around....Tranquility and a lot of inspiring verging on emotional Zen moments.
Thanks to Kirki and Tom for the excellent day!
Tomorrow sees a day of work but Saturday climbing in the Cairngorms and then over to the Ben on Sunday...Life is soooo Good!!!!
XX Chris
I will put up a slideshow of pictures so this should appear on the right hands side at top so just click that to have a look for conditions and just some beautiful views!
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