Winter had returned for a little while overnight and this morning looked promising....Kathy and I were very excited about the prospect of maybe finding 50cm of fresh powder in the Cas Bowl....Well you know..we all have dreams.. Unfortunately there wasn't as much as we expected. However the pit showed some very interesting layers of which two were graupel. There was one very low graupel layer on top of crust which we didn't expect. The graupel grain can be a nasty piece as it forms a lovely sliding layer. There was also a bit of windslab and as we wandered around discovered that this was lying on a variety of aspects due to the crazy winds from all directions and variet in quantitiy and depth. Generally quite sticky and stable but something to watch out for at the gully excits.
All in all a good day to catch up with Cairngorm gossip....sorry we don't share this with you!
Tomorrow the weather looks interestingly I probably venture into dry places...
With a forecast that said conditions would deterioate a plan was made to still go in and do something....It wasn't a day for hanging around so it had to be fast and straight forward enough to keep moving.. Matt decided we should go into Fiacall Couloir in Sneachda. Wonderful choice, great fun, fast, a bit slabby in places and more and more wind as time passed but so worth it! I did think that my hair was gonna break a some stage due to icicle growth but luckily it defrosted and I wasn't left with any serious amputations. Topping out was a windy affair too and we ditched any other adventures...Home straight over Fiacall Ridge...another wicked day.
What a beautiful day! A fine day for taking some pictures in the Cairngorms....typical Scottish weather..sunshine, snow, wind, silence, occasional whiteout all in one day.
Climbed up the Couloir meeting some climbers coming down from Savage Slit. Made my way over to the Shelterstone to enjoy the silence and stunning views. Walked back onto the plateau in the early evening to enjoy the beautiful light and made my way down the Goat track. A fine finish to a fine day.
March: 8th/10th/11th/12th and 15th until the 20th April: 13th until the 17th/ 21st until te 24th/ 28th until the 30th May: 1st until the 5th/ 7th until the 25th June: 1st until the 5th/ 9th until the 12th July: 4th until the 31st August: 1st until the 4th September: 1st until the 30th October: 1st until the 23rd/ 28th until th 31st November: 1st until the 30th December: 1st until the 31st
As a kiddo I spend most of my time in the fresh air. I set off on solo camping ventures since the age of 6, grew up with road biking, ice skating & horses. During my tourist management studies, I landed in Austria & here my true passion for the mountains began. I moved to Paznaun which became the base for my biggest passion, skiing. I worked in Schischule Kappl & in summer as an outdoor instructor in Austria, Italy & France. For a change I tried a season in Meribel but I missed wilderness. I love wild & remote places & moved to Scotland, exceptional for its outstanding natural beauty. I lived there for 10 years & made it my base as a freelance adventure guide, outdoor instructor & coach. Recently I moved to Bilbao to continue my work in the outdoors. I still float all over the world as I love exploring & working in new places, especially remote ones. I have a great passion for discovering other cultures & their languages but my greatest adventures are the ones on which I am inspired by the people I meet during my journeys, my work, generally throughout my life & to inspire others with my happiness & passion for the outdoors.
In country outdoor guiding and personal outdoor experience: France, Austria, Switserland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Norway, Scotland, England, Belgium, Morocco, Nepal, California, Colorado, Montreal/Quebec, British Colombia, Turkey
Member of the following associations
AEGM - Asociacion Espanola Guias de Montana
BAIML - British Association of International Mountain Leaders
BASI - British Association of Ski Instructors
MCofS - Mountaineering Council of Scotland
MLTA - Mountain Leader Training Association
NTS - The National Trust for Scotland
OEAV - Austrian Alpine Club
SCA/BCU - Scottish Canoe Association/British Canoe Union